2023 was an exciting 26th year for Sustainable Harvest International (SHI). We expanded to new communities, growing our current partnering farming families in Central America. Program teams focused on building partnerships, strengthening program management skills, and training farmers in small business practices. The Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) chose SHI as a Commitment Maker, opening the door to new funding opportunities. A Minecraft world was built based on our work in Santa Martha, Belize, to raise money for our work.
Please read on to see our many accomplishments in this past year–accomplishments that would not have been possible without your support. Whether you give a little, give a lot, or give monthly, your gifts bring us one step closer to achieving our goal of one million farms transformed by 2030.
Program Highlights
In collaboration with VRS Consult, SHI Program teams took part in a training in project management, certification for social development projects, and evaluation of priorities. Jenniffer Zapata, Director of Programs + Partnerships said the training “represented an opportunity to better understand the program cycle, discuss management tools, and agree on a work plan focused on creating greater impact for families + communities.” In the initial training, 14 team members from SHI-Honduras and SHI-Belize participated.
SHI programs team with SHI-Honduras and a SHI-Belize representative after Program DPRO training
Love Tropics
In the fall of 2023, a volunteer group of Minecraft gamers selected SHI as recipients of their Love Tropics fundraiser. Every year, Love Tropics picks a charity to support that is working to protect the world’s tropical forests. The group then designs a world in Minecraft that depicts the nonprofit’s work, why it matters, and how supporters can get involved.
Minecraft world based on SHI community Santa Martha, Belize with logo “LT23,” meaning “Love Tropics 2023”
Gamers raised money by playing mini games in the virtual world inspired by our Santa Martha, Belize community. During the 48-hour event, gamers learned about our work thanks to educational games, interviews, and resources. They also raised $24,688! Learn more about this unique collaboration.
Minecraft world with SHI logo
In December, SHI-Belize ended the year by adding another community, Progresso. The new participants eagerly created their farm plans before the holidays, and now they are continuing their Phase 1 training.
In Phase 3 of SHI’s four-year program, participant farmers learn how to build a small business. Partner farmers decide on a product, from spices and dehydrated goods to fresh bread, then they sell it to their local community members. In Honduras, many of the women participant farmers have exceeded expectations and demonstrated their ability to create, market, and sell unique products.
Linda sells dehydrated fruits and herbs
Ana’s homemade fresh bread
SHI-Honduras partner farmers were also recognized in a global business program for their ability to start a successful family business. Although they still have two more phases until they graduate from SHI’s program, they are already demonstrating their commitment to improving their livelihoods and the livelihoods of others.
SHI-Honduras partner farmers graduate from program “Global Business”
SHI-Panama ended the year with an accomplishment and celebration. Right before the holidays, the partner farmers in the community of El Limón (or “The Lemon” in English) graduated from our five-phase program! After four years of sustainable farming and small business training, these dedicated family farmers completed the requirements necessary to move forward to their next life stage. After graduation, we still keep in contact with partner farmers as they expand their farms and share what they learned with others.
SHI-Panama graduates from the community of El Limón with their SHI certificates
New Initiatives
Clinton Global Initiative
We became a Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) Commitment Maker in the fall of 2023. Our work was recognized on stage alongside other organizations implementing climate solutions, and we were acknowledged as a leader in climate resilience. Our commitment includes a 3-year program to expand sustainable agriculture and the improvement of livelihoods in Honduras. With this new platform and support, we plan to work with an additional 1,600 family farmers. Read the full announcement and follow our progress.
TV host Padma Lakshmi (third from left) announced SHI, represented by Founder Florence Reed (right), and two other commitment-makers on the main stage at the Clinton Global Initiative’s 2023 annual meeting
Speaking Engagements
Founder + Director of Strategic Growth, Florence Reed (Flo), represented SHI at two key summits in 2023. In May, she spoke at the Coalition of Action 4 Soil Health’s (CA4SH) AIM for Climate Summit. Flo highlighted the need to work with smallholder farmers and discussed the many practices we use, including agroforestry and agroecology, that are sequestering carbon. Flo also emphasized that the work we do is both for nature and people.
SHI Founder + Director of Strategic Growth Florence Reed speaking at CA4SH’s AIM for Climate Summit
In August, Flo spoke at 1T.org US Summit’s International Working Group meeting. The meeting focused on risk mitigation, and Flo spoke about the importance of close, long-term relationships with the people planting the trees. She specifically focused on community engagement and building trust.
In December, during COP28 (United Nations Climate Change Conference), Flo spoke as a panelist for the Clean Cooking Alliance. Flo discussed the importance of clean cooking and its relationship to food security, including access to efficient stoves we help SHI participant farmers build to reduce air pollution in their homes.
To end 2023 surrounded by our community, we hosted two webinars - one on World Soil Day and another before the holidays featuring our directors.
The World Soil Day webinar, “The Soil-ution Beneath Our Feet!” featured SHI Board Member and UC San Francisco professor Katherine Gundling, who discussed her soil biology technician training and the connections between soil health and public health. SHI-Belize Programs + Partnerships Coordinator, Indira Patt, presented on the basics of soil chemistry, restoration, and explained how others can restore soil regardless of where they live. The recording is on our YouTube channel.
Event announcement featuring SHI Board Member Katherine Gundling and SHI-Belize Indira Patt
SHI directors discussed highlights of the year at our second webinar. Founder + Director of Strategic Growth Florence Reed highlighted the partnerships we made in 2023 and the grassroots efforts propelling us into 2024. Director of Programs + Partnerships Jenniffer Zapata highlighted program advancements and the incredible progress SHI partner farmers made for regenerative agriculture and climate solutions. The recording is on our YouTube channel.
Event announcement featuring SHI Founder + Director of Strategic Growth Florence Reed and SHI Director of Programs + Partnerships Jenniffer Zapata
Team Growth
SHI added three new full-time positions: Communications + Outreach Coordinator, Program Impact Manager, and Regional Administrative and Financial Consultant. During the last few months of 2023, we had an Interim Executive Director while we searched for a new Executive Director who has the experience, knowledge, and empathy to lead our organization.
SHI Spotlights
In the News
Restoring soil with agroforestry systems in Northern Belize - Initiative 20x20 (February 2023)
CGI Convenes Leaders in Latin America and the Caribbean to Address Issues at the Health-Climate Nexus - Clinton Foundation (May 2023)
CA4SH at the AIM for Climate Summit: Scaling health soil practices globally through innovative partnerships, financing, and policy - Coalition of Action 4 Soil Health (May 2023)
7 Organizations That Help Businesses Contribute to Reforestation Globally - Nerds Magazine (September 2023)
35 Environmental Organizations and Nonprofits For a Sustainable Future - Green Dreamer (September 2023)
Sustainable Harvest International recognized for climate resilience efforts - The Ellsworth American (October 2023)
How Sustainable Harvest International Is Pioneering Sustainable Agriculture in Belize - BNN Breaking (December 2023)
Sustainable Harvest International spearheads sustainable agriculture in Belize - Breaking Belize News (December 2023)
Training farmers in Belize, Panama and Honduras to lead sustainable change - Earthbeat (December 2023)
Clean Cooking as a Catalyst for Sustainable Food Systems - Clean Cooking Alliance (December 2023)
Interview with Tania Roa Sustainable Harvest International - Channel 15 Radio.com (October 2023)
Net Zero Conversations Podcast - Listen Online (April 2023)
In Memoriam
We’d like to honor and acknowledge the supporters who we loved and lost in 2023. We’re grateful for their time and generosity, and we will continue to remember their legacy that lives on through others who were touched by their gifts.
Geoffrey Clark, Board Member
David Borden, Board Chair
Charles Sweetman, Donor
William Raap, Donor
Barbara Kronenber, Supporter - Harvest for the Hungry Garden
Margery Forbes, Major Donor
In 2023, you motivated us to focus on the end goal and to overcome barriers. Our partner farmers continued to work hard, every single day, even when Central America was in the path of tropical storm Pilar. Our collective goal for a just and sustainable future keeps us going, despite any unforeseen circumstances.
In 2024 and beyond, we’ll continue to work with sustainable farmers who are improving the health of the soil, land, water, and environment for us all. We hope you’ll continue to partner with us as we work together to create a more just and sustainable world.