“Giving Rise to Innovation Ecosystems in Rural Honduras: A Case Study of Sustainable Harvest International,” in Building Rural Community Resilience through Innovation and Entrepreneurship (2022)
Effect of Improved Stoves on Wood Consumption, Particulate Matter and Carbon Monoxide Production in Central America - Sustainable Energy (August 2021)
Small-Scale Regenerative Agriculture and its Effects on the Diet and Health of Peasant Communities in Belize, Honduras, and Panama - Latin American Conference of Rural Sociology (November 2018)
A Field Guide to Ripple Effects Mapping - University of Minnesota (October 2017)
Effect of Improved Stoves on Wood Consumption, Particulate Matter, and Carbon Monoxide Production Article - Tropentag (September 2017)
Effect of Improved Stoves on Wood Consumption, Particulate Matter, and Carbon Monoxide Production Poster - Tropentag (September 2017)
Evaluation on a Shoestring: One International Development Organization's Experience Measuring Impact with Limited Resources - Montana University + CATIE (January 2017)
Healthy Farms for Healthy People and a Healthy Planet - GRF One Health Summit (October 2015)
Monitoring + evaluation
We track our impact using an effective monitoring and evaluation system powered by advanced mobile technology. Through our partnership with Akvo, SHI field trainers use tablets to gather and report data. We measure progress based on key indicators across five impact areas, collecting data at different stages—starting with a baseline and concluding with an impact evaluation.